Questions & Answers

How do i get the midi instrument files onto studio one 4 on my laptop?

+1 vote
asked Mar 29, 2020 in Studio One 4 by malakyehenry (170 points)
I downloaded the instrument files onto my laptop with Windows 10 and they are  not on the files part of the browser.
They are on the file explorer but when I try to add them in, my laptop doesn't scan the sound sets.
How can i fix this and get the sounds back onto my Studio One 4?

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Mar 29, 2020 by Bbd (14,370 points)
If you mean you cannot access soundsets within Studio One, you should be able to install them thru Studio One options.

Go to your Studio One Options menu and then select Studio One Installation and/or Activate Purchased Items.