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Need a shortcut key for switching Timebase

+1 vote
asked Mar 6, 2022 in Editing by jeffbriggs1 (180 points)
There really needs to be a shortcut key for switching timebase between Seconds and Bars. You could then create a macro that selects all tracks and toggles timebase to seconds (if you are aligning the grid to your music) or beats (to stretch your music). For anyone who does tempo mapping you'll know exactly why this is necessary. For example, say you just added a tempo node and the last measure you tempo mapped was wildly out of time with the rest of your song. You could toggle every track to timebase->bars, stretch it back up or down into a more reasonable tempo then quickly switch back to timebase->seconds and get back to tempo mapping.

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Mar 9, 2022 by tothrec (32,310 points)
Faster than right-click/select?

Also, would it solve your issue if "Open Secondary Ruler" and set it to the other Timebase?
0 votes
answered Sep 30, 2023 by georgelea (750 points)
Also, create a MBT format that has 120 ticks/beat so the rhythms and note values are easily divisable for composition. Other DAWs with GREAT reputations have even more resolutions, AND Event list editors, although, PreSonus has ARROGANTLY shot down the Event List idea before. The point is there's NOWHERE and no way to precisely input rhythms that correspond to specific ticks in a beat. I mean, when you're in music school you're taught that 16th notes are either 1-ee-and-a or 1-ta-te-ta. In Cakewalk and Cubase at least, you can divide those syllables/beats into 000-030-060-090. See how easy that is? I know you guys can do massively complex algorithms, so SURELY you can handle this. PLEASE! PRETTY PLEASE!! I'm a Studio One PLUS owner