Questions & Answers

Screen capture StudioOne mixdown

–1 vote
asked Mar 20, 2022 in Hardware Integration / Remote Control by davidblickstein (660 points)

I would like a plugin or feature that when I export a mix, it: -

  • Forces it to be done in realtime 
  • Does a video caputre of the Studio One main screen 
  • Inserts the resultant mix into the video capture (time-aligned of course) 
  • Produces a video output file. I guess the point of this is to be able to "show" the plugins, the automations, the meters, the tracks, etc to collaborators with whon you can't easily share the session (either because they aren't S1 users, or licensing issues, or what not). 

Of course, you can assemble this manually with various tools... but it'd be nice to have it "one button".
