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More advanced Sound Variations [ Dymanics ]

+13 votes
asked Apr 17, 2022 in Sound Variations by Obloha (460 points)
edited Apr 17, 2022 by Obloha

I like idea of SoundVariations, but I see it too limited. Comapred to Notion 6 Rules, it is very limited.

I like to see more advanced Dynamics possibility for creating new maps for dynamics. (for example for midi cc). That means, when I put ppp sign on score, it will not affect a velocity but all midi cc I set up for this Sound Variation. And each map can have different values. That means Velocity can have from 20 to 80 and some Midi CC 1 will be from 1 to 127 and Midi CC 2 from 40 to 90 for example.

Also some "curve editor" for quick dynamic set will be handy, I think. For example: (I provide quick draft for illustration)

  • user can draw, move or delete points (blue circle)
  • change a curve for line
  • dynamics displayed on left side and on top are midi values, and as line is crossing it show value for the dynamic (the green lines and values on top) or maybe on next dynamic sign for example mf 64, ffff 127
  • and current midi value on dotted line which follow a cursor (if cursor is under curve editor area)
  • snap optionf for curve with possible a change a grid density

curve editor

it is quick draft, it can be designed better way. Hope you like a idea.

PS: I read Ask a Question documentation and I am not sure if writing all ideas for Sound Variations is list of feature requests therefore I divide it into one by one feature request. Hope I did it well.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 22, 2022 by Lukas Ruschitzka (261,440 points)
Best answer

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