Questions & Answers

How do I change to Single-Click to place MIDI

+1 vote
asked Apr 21, 2022 in Studio One 5 by devynhorne (130 points)
Currently, I have to double-click to place MIDI notes in Studio One. How do I change that to a Single-Click action?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 25, 2022 by m@km (780 points)
Hold the CTRL key down when you add a note. :)

To add multiple repeating notes add the ALT(Option) key as well.

FYI: to select all of the notes of a specific kind (i.e all C notes), hold CTRL and click that note on the keyboard left side of the editor.

These and other shortcuts are in a lot of Gregor's videos on youtube. Check 'em out.