Questions & Answers

Insert settings option in grouped tracks . SO they MIRROR for Guitar sims and eq's like Pro Tools

+6 votes
asked Apr 29, 2022 in Mixing by randallrash (1,160 points)
We need a setting in group options for the ablity for inserts to mirror each other . Being able to have guitar sims linked between left and right channels would be supper helpful . Pro Tools does this .  Also being able to link / mirror eqs for this . It would be simple to implement . Under the insert group option have a sub option for insert settings .. DONE .

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 30, 2023 by helmerikatava (420 points)
I hate it when I have to monitor one di track in mono&solo, change some settings in amp sim, drag it onto the other di track, un-solo the first track, press the sum mono button again in interface and then unmute drums, bass, vocals and all other possible tracks only to hear how that little change I did works in the mix