Questions & Answers

Change drag and drop default behavior when exporting MIDI to include tempo and marker data as well

+7 votes
asked May 3, 2022 in MIDI Editing by shawngeorge1 (230 points)
Currently when exporting MIDI files via the drag and drop method using the "Files" browser in Studio One, the newly created MIDI file does not save key info such as tempo, time signatures, and/or markers. The knowledge base ( recommends exporting through the file dropdown menu to make sure your export retains this data. The same knowledge base article also states that it is far easier to just drag and drop the MIDI data using the "Files" browser. Why should we have to use a more cumbersome method to export MIDI files when, like with so many other features, Studio One is the DAW built for intuitive ease of use? Please change the default behavior for drag and drop export of MIDI files to include everything that using the drop down menu features too. Exporting a MIDI tempo map should be just as easy as exporting stems.