Questions & Answers

can you guys add a master tuning feature for all instrument plugins or the entire session?

+11 votes
asked May 8, 2022 in Instruments and Plug-Ins by hitcreatormusic (230 points)

would be nice if you guess could add a master tuning feature for instrument plugins in studio one

For example in omisphere, you can go to system setting to change the master tuning to let's say 432 hz. Many plugins dont have a master tuning feature. This would be a nice added feature for studio one professional.

2 Answers

+2 votes
answered Nov 8, 2023 by pellefridell (5,210 points)

Logic have it since many years. Very useful in sessions with horns or strings.
+1 vote
answered Nov 8, 2023 by pellefridell (5,210 points)
I could not understand it's not in the song settings or global settings, wanted to tune the VST instruments to 442Hz in a session with horns.

In jazz the standard tuning is 442 Hz, also for pianos in concert halls. Sometimes they are even tuned to 444 Hz if supposed to play with.

Wind instruments built since the 1940's are actually made for a=442. They resonate and intonate better there.

Ofcourse we need that in Studio One :-)