Questions & Answers

Subwoofer + Eris E5

0 votes
asked Jul 24, 2022 in Sceptre, Eris, R-Series by ajlozano (1,020 points)
Is it possible to add a subwoofer to the Eris E 5? I have an AudioBox iOne and the Eris E5. My question is because I need to listen  below 50 Hz, the limit of the Eris E5.
Thank you very much

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Jul 26, 2022 by jsnyder389 (180 points)
Yes. I have a pair of Eris E3.5s and an Eris Sub 8. They work perfectly together.
0 votes
answered Jul 27, 2022 by ajlozano (1,020 points)
edited Jul 27, 2022 by ajlozano
@jsnyder389: Thanks you !