Questions & Answers

VST3 support from external drive/folder

+14 votes
asked Jul 26, 2022 in Instruments and Plug-Ins by Kudelsky (900 points)
edited Dec 8, 2023 by Kudelsky
Please add support for VST3 plugins from external folder or disk.
For people who use e.g. Acustica Audio plugins (or other) , where one plug can take up 15GB, VST3 support from a different folder / drive than the system drive will be useful, saving the system drive in this area.

For those who write that there is such an option. That's right, it is there, but it doesn't work properly. Plugins are not read correctly by the DAW (their names, plugins are as VST3 and Studio One sees them as VST2, etc.). It's fine in other DAWs, e.g. Bitwig, but not in Studio One.
Developers also need to improve this further.

6 Answers

–5 votes
answered Jul 26, 2022 by colinotoole (16,890 points) 1 flag
You can already add custom locations. Information about this is readily available.
+3 votes
answered Dec 30, 2022 by wcookjr (2,240 points)
Yes. I want to be able to sort my VST3s into folders by company and whatever I feel like as well as have them on a separate hard drive. My OS is on an SSD with limited space and having to save them at C/Program files/common files/vst3 forces me to use up space on that primary drive

We shouldn't have to do workarounds just to be able to organize our workstations. If I missed something and this has changed with any new updates, please by all means let me know
–2 votes
answered Feb 24, 2023 by raweber (290 points)
Late to the party, but every DAW I've used you have to specify where you are putting your vsts if it's not the default system location.
+4 votes
answered Mar 28, 2023 by patricklandreville (260 points)

Please allow for Vst3s to be accessed from folders on external or secondary drives. Studio One Professional is the only DAW that doesn't allow for this. Having the C: Program files/common files/vst3 as a default is fine as long as it is possible to move the Vst3s from that folder to one on an external or secondary drive and still be recognised by Studio One, just as all other DAWs will allow for. Will this be possible on future versions of Studio One? 

@colinotoole & @raweber One may add custom locations for Vst3s on external or secondary drives but Studio One will NOT recognise the new location and Vst3s in the new location will NOT be added to the browser. This ONLY applies to Vst3s and not to other types of plugins such as Vst2s which Studio One WILL recognise on external or secondary drives and WILL add to the browser

The feature I'm requesting has not been added as of the release of version 6. 

By the way I've never kept, nor have I known other professionals that have kept, plugins on their OS drive, it's generally simply not done.

–3 votes
answered Mar 30, 2023 by taylorhansen1 (500 points) 1 flag

This has been possible forever. You can add as many custom folders as you want.

0 votes
answered Feb 27, 2024 by tulamide (190 points)
This is highly needed! I switched recently from Cakewalk and FL Studio, and while my VST3 plugins on E:\music\vst3 show up there, S1 simply ignores all paths that are not the standard common files path for VST3.

I get that Steinberg required DAWs to see this location as standard, but it is highly impractical. I need them to be on secondary/external drives and still be recognized by S1.