Questions & Answers

Can I use a Studio Live 32R Rack Mixer to expand the inputs on the Studio Live 64S?

0 votes
asked Jul 30, 2022 in StudioLive Series III by matthewwhitaker (170 points)
Hello. I”m going to be purchasing a Studio Live setup soon. I just wanted to ask if I could use the 32R Rack Mixer along with the 64S for plugging in physical inputs past 32 channels? I know the 64S has 32 inputs already. Thank you so much.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Aug 4, 2022 by mackjohnson1 (78,460 points)
Best answer
Yes you can. You'd simply need to put the rack mixer in stagebox mode and assign its AVB inputs to channels 33-64 on the 64s.
0 votes
answered Aug 2, 2022 by janfranklin (340 points)

Hi Matthew,

On macOS Big Sur 11.6.8, I've created an aggregate device using the Presonus StudioLive 64S and a couple of Roland synths as ONE interface which I've called StudioLive 64S AG. Happily, all of these inputs show up in StudioOne with the OUTPUT sends going from Studio One to the StudioLive 64S inputs. They arrive at the desk without issue, I can even use the desk's internal FX post Studio One! Powerful stuff!

Not sure if there are any upper limits but I'm using 94 audio inputs and 72 outputs without issue. Incidentally, the Roland audio devices are the Juno-X and Jupiter-X which each have 6 Stereo outputs via their USB port. I've used all 6 stereo outputs (12 mono) as inputs on the Aggregate device in Studio One without issue. See attached.

Presonus StudioLive 64S as an Aggregate Device

One word of warning though, if you want to use the Jupiter-X or Juno-X as aggregate devices then you need to open their driver setups to reduce the audio buffer size or it will crash DAWs like Studio One. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks.

