Questions & Answers

Starting digital mixer directly, without starting Universal Control first?

+5 votes
asked Aug 1, 2022 in Studio Series USB Interfaces by christiaanhillen (190 points)
Hi all,

Every day, I spin up my workstation, and I would like to have things a bit faster than they are now. For instance, trigger the starting of programs using a streamdeck. Most programs I can start this way easily, just by importing the shortcut to the program.

Not so for the digital fader interface that came with my studio 1824c. The only way I can open that at the moment is by first starting Universal controller, and then clicking on the bottom of that screen to open the fader interface. Then I can close Universal Controller again as the faders are a stand-alone application.

How do I *directly* start the fader interface?

4 Answers

+1 vote
answered Sep 2, 2022 by alejandrosuazo (1,060 points)
Hello. I have the same question/problem with REVELATOR IO24. We need an shortcut to open fast the Revelator IO24 mixer/control. Not via the Universal Control. Thanks.
+2 votes
answered Nov 7, 2022 by vincentv (200 points)
Yes. It is a great feature resquest.
0 votes
answered May 21 by KenFioretti (170 points)
I guess this never went anywhere. Would be a good feature.

Bothersome to have to open one app just to open another.
0 votes
answered Aug 3 by steffenlongva (160 points)
Great feature request, any update to this?