Questions & Answers

Feature request : possibilty to go under c0 with atom sq for keyswitch please

+4 votes
asked Aug 16, 2022 in Atom Pad Controllers by dipcrusher (430 points)
yes, for keyswitch it will be perfect... and many kicks are implant on B-1... so it's important to access under c0 with atom sq! thanks

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 14 by ChrisPiatt (190 points)
I'd really love to see this feature. As-is, I don't use the keyboard functionality on the Atom SQ that often, so when I'm primarily playing VST instruments the pads are kind of just taking up valuable desk real estate. If I could repurpose those pads as keyswitches/sound variation switches it would be amazing and would allow me to get rid of the ipad that I'm currently using for keyswitches.

Even better for me would be native integration with Studio One sound variations so that the pads reflected the colors of each available sound variation for the given instrument without additional manual effort.