Questions & Answers

********* MIC500, looping

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asked Aug 21, 2022 in Studio One 5 by guysmith2 (300 points)
I want to add a ********* MIC500 to my DAW. Have been using a ********* UMC404HD for two years, using it's native drivers (works fine).

The only approach to having both active at once on Windows appears to be by using the AISO4ALL driver.

That driver seems to work fine with the 404HD. On the MIC500, a different situation. With all other devices disabled in the AISO4ALL control panel, S1 (in play or record) loops for a fraction of a bar, returning to a point after the original starting point.

a) Has anyone gotten a MIC500 to behave in S1 v 5.5?

b) Are their alternatives to AISO4ALL in getting two or more interfaces active?