Questions & Answers

When will Studio One 3 work with McDSP, SofTube, & Kush plugins on Win10 without win 8 compatibility Mode engaged?

+3 votes
asked Apr 20, 2016 in Studio One 3 by camarimusic (1,120 points)
recategorized Apr 20, 2016 by -Luis-
Up to version 3.02 Studio One professional worked flawlessly with my plugins on WIndows 10.  After the upgrade to 3.1 I noticed my Kush Audio Clariphonic MKII failed to work.  I noticed my McDSP Vocal Processor failed to work.  I bought the SofTube 1973 plugin and it will not load either unless I load Studio One 3 in Windows 8 compatibility mode.  This would not be a problem except certain plugins take longer to load in this mode.  

We were assured that Windows 10 was compatible with Studio One 3 however, when you change the code and make my legitimately purchased plugins incompatible with our DAW that becomes a problem.  It's more problematic because the plugins all work flawlessly in version 3.02. So the problem was not WIndows 10.  It started with the update Studio One made to 3.1

I thought by version 3.2 this would be addressed.  Sadly that's not the case.  I own the new Studio 192 and I love the effortless integration, however, I just want my plugins and DAW to work properly in native Win 10 as I was assured they would.

I would strongly dissuade anyone from utilizing Win 10 with Studio One 3.2 if you intend on using certain plugins as mentioned before.  Stick to Win 7 and Presonus please fix this. Please!!!!!!

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Apr 24, 2016 by ghasenbeck (355,490 points)
Best answer
These plugins are all iLok dependent and as such are subject to the iLok Manager and its compatibility with Windows 10. PreSonus did put out an announcement addressing this issue:

In recent months iLok has released 2 major updates to the iLok Manager and many of our customers have since, no longer had an issue with the iLok Plugin / Windows 10 Compatibility issues that were first seen with the public launch of Windows 10. This is not a PreSonus software issue, but rather a compatibility issue with iLok Plugins and Windows 10.