Questions & Answers

Does StudioOne 3 work correctly on 4k (3840x2160), or 3840x1600 under Windows 10 with recent Graphic Card ?

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asked Sep 24, 2018 in Studio One 3 by patrickfavre (120 points)
I would like to acquire a new Monitor 3840 x 1600 or a  4K (3860 x 2160), under Windows 10 and using a recent graphic card.

I'm still hesitating between these two resolutions.

The goal is to increase the vision of the tracks (at least 20 in one screen) and enjoy an high resolution.

In addition to Mac, have you adapted your program under Windows to get a good proportional view of the drop-down menus? Regarding the two aforementioned resolutions, would you have any advice as to the best choice in your opinion?

Thanking you in advance :-) Patrick Favre, Switzerland

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 30, 2018 by constantinbajenaru (220 points)
I'm not sure about studio one 3, but it works on studio one 4: Windows 10 Pro, NVidia GT710, Element, 43inch 4k tv