Questions & Answers

My Macbook Pro from 2011 with Studio One 3

0 votes
asked Sep 26, 2022 in Studio One 3 by Timothy Patrick (150 points)
My 2011 Macbook Pro with Studio One 3 has failed, and local techs will not service it.   The hard drive is accessible.  I am going to buy a new workstation, and I am leaning to buying a PC rather than Mac.    


What are the current system requirements for Studio One 5?  

Do I need to load the old software from SO 3 onto my new PC, or can I upgrade to SO 5 directly to the new PC?

Will there be compatibility issues with old song files after the upgrade?  

Thank you!

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 27, 2022 by mackjohnson1 (78,460 points)
selected May 3, 2023 by AlexTinsley
Best answer

The system requirements are on the tech specs page

You shouldn't need to load any old software and your old songs should load fine after the upgrade. If you run into any issues you should create a support ticket.
