Questions & Answers

Crackling in Studio One on a 15 inch Macbook pro 2016

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asked Mar 13, 2018 in Studio One 3 by jayjeeaar (120 points)
I've recently upgraded my macbook to a 15inch 2016 model with an i7 and 16gigs of ram. I use a 4x4 audiobox via usb thorugh a dongle that converts it into usb c. I've been experiencing bad cases of crackling ever since. Sometimes i need to shut down studio one and restart just cuz the crackling gets out of control.

 I dont think its the Macbook cuz when i use headphones via the 3.5mm jack it works fine. but that only allows me playback not recording.

On my previous macbook pro 13 inch late 2011 with only 4 gigs of ram things were just fine. Audiobox usb to mac direct.. no dongle. In which case it leads me to believe it might be the dongle.