Questions & Answers

When is it safe to buy new hardware to receive Studio One Artist v6?

+1 vote
asked Sep 29, 2022 in Studio One 5 by bartosz.banachewicz (410 points)
There are two historic posts that I've found about the 3->4 and 4>5 upgrades:

They seem to suggest that the policy has changed with 5, and buying hardware with an older version attached isn't elligible for upgrade. I was planning to buy the new Revelator 24 literally today, but I want to make sure that I'll get Artist v6 with it.

Does the version added to the account depend on the date of purchase or the date of registration? Hopefully this question will be answered in a couple hours, but still some people might come in looking for this.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 29, 2022 by colinotoole (16,790 points)
Hi. I'm fairly sure it goes off the date of registration.