Hi. You make no mention of what audio interface you are using. If you're closing programs down so only Studio One is running and you are utilising 60% of your CPU, I will hazard a guess you don't have one. Start there as that will relieve your CPU of the analogue to digital conversion process. You can get an audio interface for about $/£100 ish. I see you are using a laptop, so you're upgrade route is limited. You will always benefit from more RAM, especially when you only have 8GB. But if you can get RAM for your laptop is something I don't know. Simply put - if you are struggling to run Artist on your computer, you will also struggle with the Pro edition. 8GB is the minimum, 16GB would be what I recommend (for plugins and head room). Put money into something that will improve your experience with Artist edition before upgrading your software to the Pro version.