Questions & Answers

Confusion over tooltips wrongly named

0 votes
asked Oct 3, 2022 in Studio One 5 by Scardanelli (3,400 points)
edited Oct 3, 2022 by Scardanelli
several times I have posted questions to support and received answers in the form of questions - they never seem to read the question properly. I requested support / reported a bug for the shortcut for Channel Editor, which does not work, it opens a plugin window, though the icon on the mixer works correctly. I was asked if I meant the Channel Overview. Clearly in my question I stated Editor, and the pop-up from the icon uses the term Channel Editor, as does the Shortcut when searched for in Keyboard Shortcuts.

This has happened on several occasions and to be honest I rarely post to support as I never receive the correct advice or feedback. It may sound petty but of all the software support sites Presonus has the worst track record in providing useful answers.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 3, 2022 by Scardanelli (3,400 points)
I'll add to this rather than edit - I had some dialogue with support over the issue of not being able to create a shortcut for the Channel Editor - OK, so here's the thing. The tooltip on the icon for the Channel OVERVIEW is wrongly named Channel EDITOR. Ergo when I tried to create a shortcut that is what I searched for in the Shortcut menu - tooltips are there to help, and to make wading through a lengthy manual redundant if they are correct.

However, the tooltip for this function is incorrect. Hence my confusion and Presonus staff trying to tell me I'd not read the manual correctly as the Icon on the mixer that I was clicking on defaults to Channel Overview. So why not make the tooltip say as such? No wonder I was confused.