Questions & Answers

Folder to be automatically generated for mixdowns and named as per song title

+12 votes
asked Nov 25, 2020 in Mixing by stephencumberland (670 points)
Every time I export a song, I have to create a folder called "Mixdowns" and change the filename from "Mixdown" to "The name of the Song_v001".

It would be great if StudioOne could create a folder dedicated for mixdowns and change the default naming to the song title.

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Dec 1, 2020 by Lukas Ruschitzka (261,340 points)
Studio One automatically creates a Mixdown folder when you export your mix.
+4 votes
answered Apr 6, 2021 by benschmidt1 (290 points)
Does anybody know how to make this NOT happen. It is maddening to have to open a new folder for each track exported for a project. If I want to share multiple songs for an album, say,  or tracks in a podcast, I have to open each folder then select and upload. I want all the wav files , one on top of another, in a folder for each project - without having to click, copy, paste, delete etc. This should be simple. if I save it to a folder OF MY CHOOSING, why does studio one automatically stick it in a DIFFERENT folder? Likely there is a setting to make it function this way, but I can't find it. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.
0 votes
answered Sep 20, 2021 by richardrupert (1,480 points)
I agree that it would be great to have the mixdown name automatically match the song file name. It should still be editable, of course. Also, when navigating to whatever mixdown folder is desired, the files that already reside in that folder should be visible, just like in Windows Explorer. That way a file could be written over or chosen if desired.