Questions & Answers

Recommendations for Drum Kit Engines

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asked Oct 9, 2022 in Studio One 5 by keithstramler (180 points)

After working and searching and playing with settings, I finally got my drums to work.  The simple trick is if you do have a Midi connection and are getting output from it, you need a drum engine to add to the track.  For the time being, I took the Classic Kit in the drums folder in Presence instruments and dragged into the track.  Poof...... I got drum sounds on the song that I created.  Seems like a simple fix that you don't have to jump through so many hoops to get it to work.

Now, another question.  The drum sounds are soft, volume wise even though I have the volume turned up, compared to the other instruments in the song.  Asking for opinions here, is that something that can be fixed in mixing or would it be better to get different software such as Superior Drummer or EZ Drummer? Or do I need to explode the Drum Track and work with the volumes there?
