Questions & Answers

Create a New Song from Template, when Studio One starts [with an example]

+11 votes
asked Oct 29, 2022 in Look and Feel by alexbulgakov (5,110 points)

NO, "Open Default Song/Project/Show" is not the same thing! It's not a NEW song/project/show.

We can't start a song from this, because all changes will be saved in "" file. Instead, I want to create a new song from selected template. This will reduce the number of unnecessary mouse clicks (from 4-5 to just one) to start playing on the instrument or producing/mixing.

This is something that will REALLY speed up the workflow around all Studio One users.

5 Answers

0 votes
answered Jan 15, 2024 by akifumikawaguchi (2,080 points)
I always create from the same template. I don't use the template selection behavior. So I want the template to be open when I start it up. And it must be a new project file, not

If I overwrite, the next time I start up, there will be a lot of clutter and garbage lying around. Should I save it from Save As as a new project? I just want to close Daw when I'm done playing. I don't want to organize anything. Am I selfish? Maybe I don't have to do things that I don't have to do.

This is a big step towards making Studio one a musical instrument. It can free us from the fatigue of making non-musical decisions before we even start making music.

Even if this feature was not added, I would continue to use Studio one. After trying various other Daws, I ended up using Studio one. However, not having this feature will probably make me and anyone else make a little less music. Someone else... there are many people who have never realized that this is an inconvenience. maybe

Please consider this feature request again. My favorite Limited government-like Daw software can now be taken to even greater heights.
0 votes
answered Jan 19, 2024 by akifumikawaguchi (2,080 points)

I find myself using the Start screen quite often. When I open Studio One, I want the Start screen to open with "When Studio One starts > Do nothing"

I've been trying out "When Studio One starts > Create New Song" for the past few days. I ended up with a lot of empty projects in my Song folder...this was an unexpected occurrence.

I use the Start screen when opening a project I was working on until yesterday. A New Song is created as soon as I open the Daw. New Songs will accumulate in my Song folder.

As an alternative, I think it would be nice if a new Song could be created using the Template when a Template file is opened. Then I put a shortcut to the Template file on my desktop. When I open the Template file shortcut, I get the same result as if I had started Daw > New Song > Select Template.
(Reference image: For some reason, when I open Presonus Answer on the PC, the dialog does not appear even if I press the button in the image, so I apologize for replacing it with a link.)

0 votes
answered Feb 2, 2024 by akifumikawaguchi (2,080 points)
There are similar points in the comments on Youtube.
Mentioned by @Kolificent and @xNTFXx

0 votes
answered Jun 18, 2024 by akifumikawaguchi (2,080 points)
edited Jun 18, 2024 by akifumikawaguchi
What about users who also use the Studio One Start screen? Problems occur when Song Project is automatically launched at startup

Users do not always work with new Song Projects. Sometimes they open a project file they recently worked on from the Start screen and continue working on it. In this case, an unfortunate event occurs. Every time the user starts Studio one, an empty file with the date name is generated in the folder where the project is stored.

If anyone is reading this, please try it. Set "Options > General > When Studio one Starts > Create a New Song". Studio one will create a new empty song project at startup. This is fine when starting a new song. However, problems will occur when continuing work from yesterday.

Close the new empty song project that was opened at startup without saving it (but do not close Studio one). Go to the Studio one Start screen and open yesterday's Song Project. Now try opening the folder where the project is stored. An empty file with the date name is generated. This empty folder with the date name is a nuisance. For example, it is a nuisance when searching for past Song Projects in the folder.

I open the folder. Is this the Song Project I'm looking for? Oh no, it's an empty folder. It's the wrong folder. What a pain. I'm tired. I still have to check the contents of many folders to find the Song Project I'm looking for.

If Studio One is launched with the setting "New Song from Template, when Studio One starts", a new Song Project will be created every time Studio One starts. When you continue working on a project file you recently worked on from Start, an empty folder will be created.
0 votes
answered Jun 18, 2024 by akifumikawaguchi (2,080 points)
But this question still raises an important issue.

When I create music, I wait for Studio One to launch, then wait again for the selected template to launch.

It would be nice if this operation could be completed in one go.

How about this? Use a file with the file extension .songtemplete. Currently, when foobar.songtemplete is double-clicked, Studio one launches and the Start Screen is displayed. It does nothing else. I would appreciate it if you could change this. When foobar.songtemplete is double-clicked, a new song project is created using foobar.songtemplete as the template.

Then each user places a shortcut to foobar.songtemplete on their desktop. When they click to open the shortcut, a new song project is created using foobar.songtemplete as the template.

This looks good. When a user wants to use the Start Screen (i.e., when they want to continue working on a recent Song Project selected from the Start Screen), they launch Studio one.exe as usual and the Start Screen is displayed. When a user wants to start a new Song Project with the usual Template (and doesn't want to operate the Start Screen), they launch Studio One from the foobar.songtemplete shortcut on the desktop.

By the way, I created a shortcut to the project file I use for guitar practice and put it on the desktop. Every morning, I open the guitar practice project from this shortcut and practice. It's easy because I can open it directly, and it helps me practice more efficiently.