Questions & Answers

Template Upgrade

+4 votes
asked Oct 13, 2019 in Mixing by reecep (1,520 points)
We could also do with a template upgrade feature. For example I have a whole mixing template where I create my beats in and then I have all busses set up e.g. (DRUMS, INSTRUMENTS etc) so that when I bounce down all instruments in a separate session/file, all my busses etc are already set up, so I never have to leave that session, I just rename it as a different file "MIXING SESSION". I have done a massive upgrade to my template and added lots of Reverb, Delay, Saturation, Parallel Compression busses/send fx etc, but my existing projects that have already been mixed, use the older template, so it would be good if all my older projects could be upgraded to the new template without having to reimport them into another session and remix everything