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new song project with my Templete ∧ name the project YYYY-MM-DD ∧ no any other operations after clicking Studio one icon

+2 votes
asked May 26, 2024 in Look and Feel by akifumikawaguchi (2,080 points)
edited May 26, 2024 by akifumikawaguchi

I would like to 

  1. create a new song project with the song from the self-made Templete, 
  2. name the project YYYY-MM-DD, 
  3. open the new project without any other operations after starting Studio one.

Studio One does not have a setting that allows these three at the same time

Let me explain why these three are important.

  1. I start a song project from a template I created myself, and I'm sure you do the same, right?  It will save you time. I use the same VST Instrument every time. Rather than adding them one by one by hand, I would like them to start up all at once at startup. The same goes for the screen layout. I want things to stay the same as usual. I don't want to grab the boundaries and change them every time. ex) Opening/closing the Inspector, raising/lowering the Mixer or Piano Roll, opening/closing the Browser, etc.
  2. The project name will be automatically set to YYYY-MM-DD. YYYY-MM-DD is good. Convenient. They are arranged neatly when sorted by name. It would be inconvenient to name it New Song (1) or aaaa. This is because there are two or more folders with the same name. Depending on the procedure for creating a new project, Studio one will automatically name it using YYYY-MM-DD. wonderful. It's a pain to have to input it myself every time, so this is helpful.
  3. Click the app icon to launch Studio one, and you'll be ready to start composing without any other operations. This is also important. If other operations are required between startup and the time the work screen opens, I get tired before I can start composing. Also, you won't be able to take advantage of the long startup times. I want to make sure I have enough time. I do some squats, do some light stretching, and clean my desk within a few seconds of opening the application. Do you have a routine too? What is necessary is that it is a one-action process that does not require clicks or screen operations. I don't want to click New song on the Start page and select Temple.

Studio One does not have a setting that allows these three at the same time. Let's check that. Let's compare multiple practices for creating new songs

  • Set Options > General > When Studio one starts: Open default song/Project/show; and then start Studio one. literally opened. When I work on this and save it, the contents are written to Therefore, I have to save it under a different name before I start composing. I enter the date YYYY-MM-DD. I wish Studio one could do it automatically because I have to do the same thing every time.
  • Set Options > General > When Studio one starts: Do nothing; then start Studio one. On the Start Page, select the Template you created from New Song > User and open it. A project is created with the Templete you created, and a new project named YYYY-MM-DD is created. However, it requires a click on the Start Page.
  • Start Studio one by setting Options > General > When Studio one starts: Create new song; At this time, the project is named YYYY-MM-DD. However, it took some time to get to the point where I could start composing. I added instruments, displayed the Browser, and changed the Mixer settings to create the usual state. I want to use Templete.

i wish

  1. A new song project is created from the Templete that I created, 
  2. The project name is YYYY-MM-DD,
  3. When I start Studio one, I can start working without any other operations. I hope so.

with google translate. Thank you for making DAW software
