Questions & Answers

Where are my scores from auto updated Notion app?

0 votes
asked Nov 1, 2022 in Notion by karenstephens (120 points)
I had the app, Notion. Paid for. Used regularly. The app has been automatically updated and my scores have disappeared…. How do I restore them. Very upset here.

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Dec 9, 2022 by malinandersson (250 points)
Same problem here. Very upsetting! But it seems like the scores are slowly coming back one by one. Hope this is just a reloading process that just takes some time.
0 votes
answered Mar 27, 2023 by jorgediazhernandez (220 points)
Tengo el mismo problema. 20 scores desaparecieron. Ayuda por favor.
0 votes
answered Mar 27, 2023 by jorgediazhernandez (220 points)
Hola. Tengo el mismo problema. 20 scores desaparecieron. Ayuda por favor.