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A setting allowing your counter/clock to display the exact real time position of your hovering cursor without clicking.

+1 vote
asked Nov 12, 2022 in Editing by irondiopriest (130 points)
Based on a list of edit points given to me by my customer (minutes and seconds in this case, but samples, frames, bars, etc would be handy also), I need to quickly preview my edit points to ascertain the musicality/flow and begin the process of piecing together in my mind how the parts will fit together once edited. The easiest way to do that is with an overview of the whole song/audio file. If I have the timeline set to minutes/seconds (or any mode, for that matter), when looking at the song overview, the exact time/position of any given point in the file is not knowable without clicking on it. Looking at the top timeline and visually lining it up with transients and then guessing is clumsy and only gets you in the ballpark so you can zoom in and then click. Playing it in real time and trying to watch the clock and the play-head cursor at the same time is cumbersome. But being able to just look at the file and move the hovering cursor around to numerically exact points on the timeline would streamline that workflow for me. I’ve floated the idea in a Studio One Facebook group and found some agreement with the idea.