Questions & Answers

Showing new bus in the inspector-view

0 votes
asked Nov 12, 2022 in Mixing by stefanschweikle (140 points)
When creating a new bus, it will not show up in the inspector-view, you first have to right-click the fader and choose volume automation. Whenever you forget that, you can end up starting processing in the wrong channel by accident. It would be a simple workflow-improvement, if new busses would be shown in the inspector-view by default.

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Nov 12, 2022 by princeagrawal (13,910 points)

Tracks and Channels are not the same in S1. Bus is only a channel and not a track hence it does not show in "Track" inspector. 

However, you do have the option to make an automation track for every bus channel in S1. In preferences make sure, "Automatically create automation tracks for channels" is checked. Then for every Bus channel in the console you'll have a corresponding automation track in arrangement view, which will show up in the track inspector.
