For the most part, the mixing Channel layout in S1 is in the direction of signal flow when going from top to bottom on an individual channel, but not quite 100%. However it could be made to correspond 1 to 1 to the direction of audio signal flow from top to bottom, by re-arranging a few items in the channel.
Here's the current Channel Layout in S1, from Top to Bottom : Input Controls >> Insert FX >> Send FX (Pre/Post Fader) >>Channel Input >>Channel Output >> FADER, as shown in pic below, off course followed by channel name.

However, Audio doesn't exactly flow in this direction from top to bottom.
Here's the actual Audio Signal Flow direction, Channel Input (From Tracks/Other Channels) >> Channel Input Controls >> Channel Insert FX (which are always Pre-Fader) >> Pre Fader Sends >> FADER >> Post Fader Sends >> Channel Output, Off course followed by channel name at the very bottom. So my feature request is to please make the channel layout exactly like this, which corresponds to the audio signal flow direction 100% from top to bottom, something like indicated in the picture below :

With this layout, no explanation would be required regarding how the signal flows. What you see is what you get. Would be logical and especially very useful for beginners, who often find it difficult to be able to visualize the Audio Signal Flow in a DAW, as there are obviously no physical cables in a DAW.
Also I do understand, that over time many S1 users have become so accustomed to using the current channel layout, that shifting items around as i suggested above would cause them more workflow harm then good. So an option in the global preferences of Studio One to turn this new channel layout ON/OFF would be useful as well. Something like "Switch to New Channel Layout" or "Use Legacy Channel Layout".
If you find this feature request useful, Please consider upvoting it. Thanks for reading this.