Questions & Answers

Is it possible to do an quick conversion for multiple song's audio files to reduce the required disk space?

0 votes
asked Nov 18, 2022 in Studio One 6 by johannesehrl1 (340 points)
Over time many recorded songs pile up and require huge disk space. Therefore I would like to save disk space converting by the WAV files to a less space consuming format (e.g. FLAC for lossless or OGG). Currently this is a tedious, manual operation:

1. Songs needs to be opened

2. Conversion needs to be started

3. End of conversion (mulitple minutes) needs to be awaited

4. Song needs to be safed

5. The not anymore required initial WAV files need to be deleted via finder

This operation could be simplified by a batch-processing job for mulitple songs. Is there any means to achieve that based on the current functionality (Makro, Batch Converter, etc) which I missed? If not, could this be considered as a feature request?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Nov 23, 2022 by tothrec (32,280 points)
Storage is so cheap these days, are you sure you don't want to just copy the completed Songs onto an SD card or something?

As far as cleanup goes, I was just reading about some features in Studio One that help you save a version of the project that only contains the audio files that are in use.  That would only help you if you did a lot of takes or versions.

You can go into the Browser (F5) and open the Pool tab, right-click and remove unused files
0 votes
answered Nov 30, 2022 by princeagrawal (13,920 points)
Studio One has an extension called "Audio Batch Converter" specifically meant for tasks like these. Its included with my Sphere membership. Not sure if it's included with S1 professional one time purchase or not.