Questions & Answers

Audio to Midi similar to Ableton 10

+17 votes
asked Mar 15, 2020 in Recording by mikekaylor (220 points)
I would like the ability to convert Audio Tracks to Midi in the same way Ableton does it.  This feature works very well on drums, base lines, and more.

3 Answers

+1 vote
answered Mar 17, 2020 by aka_busker (32,870 points)
Hi Mike,

Melodyne features an audio to midi function.  If you have access to Melodyne with your studio one licence you can transfer the audio into Melodyne and then export audio to midi from there.  I used it recently to transfer a lead guitar part from studio one to Guitar Pro.  

I hope that helps.
+4 votes
answered Apr 4, 2020 by fouadal-basha (4,310 points)
Its nice idea to do it directly drage audio to Extract midi in intrment track in one step process…

Longe steps to open audio by meloday the convert it to midi then extract it again…

Hope presonus but this future in next update for studio one 4.6
+3 votes
answered Apr 5, 2020 by fabianmitchell (1,030 points)
I feel like this is a must-have.

The audio to harmony or melody in Ableton Live 10 is considerably more accurate and less time consuming to edit than Melodyne's various results. Melodyne tends to focus on too large of a range, which results in combined rhythms that are baked together with drums in the same frequencies. It often creates inversions and changes octaves that you don't audibly hear in the audio it converts. Don't get me wrong, that is useful at times but usually the time it takes to edit and the resources that Melodyne can add to a session get to be a bit of a headache.

The only algorithm that is as accurate compared to the audio conversion option included with the standard version of Ableton(which cost less than the Melodyne with polyphonic algorithms), in my opinion, is the one for percussion. Other than that, it really is only consistently close in accuracy for concise editing for vocals or simple chords/melodies.