Questions & Answers

Can I get signal to Line Out (3/4 outs) without going through a DAW?

+1 vote
asked Nov 25, 2022 in Legacy Interfaces by sober2ndthought (130 points)
I am a previous FP10 user.  I just purchased a Studio 26c so I could be more mobile.  I specifically bought it over the 24c because of the other two additional outs.  With my FP10, I connected my studio monitors through the Main Outs and typical stereo receiver through the Cue Mix Line Outs.  On the FP10, there is a know that pans the outgoing signal to either the Main Outs or the Cue Mix Line Outs without having to use a DAW.  But with the 26c, I don't seem to get signal by default to both the Main and the Line Outs.  That is, when I have audio coming from my Mac from say, Spotify or Netflix, I can hear it through either set of speakers.  But when I do that now, it only comes out the Main Outs.  There is no sound coming from the Line Outs.

Is there something I am missing here?  Is there a way to get sound out of the Line Outs without running through a DAW where the 3/4 outs are selected as the outputs?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 29, 2022 by radudinescu (140 points)
You must uninstall the PreSonus Universal Control driver. It is not working properly. This is how Line Out will work. (Presonus Studio 26c on Windows 10)