Questions & Answers

Why have You Not Provided Decksaver The Needed Info To Provide A Cover For The Atom (Or Produce One Yourself)?

0 votes
asked Feb 14, 2023 in Atom Pad Controllers by rcohen1 (170 points)

Per enclosed, please contact Decksaver directly to provide "heat/numbers behind getting this done" for a cover to be designed/sold to fit the Atom (& Atom SQ) and advise of the resulting correspondence result ASAP. Currently using an inverted squared "salad bowl" (see att.) recently purchased from the local 99cents store for $1.50. :(



Decksaver <info>
Fri, Feb 10 at 12:38 AM

Hi RC,

Thank you for your inquiry and interest in Decksaver products for PreSonus.
At the moment we do not have a cover that fits this PreSonus ATOM Pad Controller.
The tooling and development is quite expensive for each cover so we need to know there are numbers behind getting this done.
It’s been added to the request list and if it starts to get some heat we’ll look at it.

Kind regards,

Decksaver Team
Vacform Group (Yorkshire) Ltd
Unit 1-5 Felnex Square
Felnex Industrial Estate
Leeds LS9 0ST
United Kingdom
+44 (0)113 248 9994
[email protected]

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Sep 3, 2023 by Koldunya (420 points)
PreSonus can't push this along. WE need to contact Decksaver, everyone that wants one, encourage others to. That's the "heat" they refer to. We got them to make a cover for the Isla S2400 by people contacting them, and it happened. As they said, the tooling for each cover is VERY expensive so they need to ensure they can get a return on the investment.
0 votes
answered Feb 27, 2024 by lorrismusic (1,530 points)
Hey i've found this, it's not a decksaver but it could do the job, on my side i'm gonna sew one of these myself.