Questions & Answers

How to apply multi-track MIDI file to multi-track score

0 votes
asked Mar 18, 2023 in Studio One 6 by rogervincent (1,030 points)
edited Mar 18, 2023 by rogervincent

Before you read my question in red below, please review my software and hardware configurations directly below.

Software Configuration
Studio One 6 Pro
Dorico 4 Pro
Notion 6
Windows 11 Pro

Hardware Configuration
HP Z4 G4 with i9 10900X CPU 
128 GB RAM
(2) 1TB m.2 NVME Drives
(1) 2TB m.2 NVME Drive

What I'm trying to do (the numbered steps are my process (so far):
Since Studio One doesn't allow import of MusicXML, I do the following which works perfectly for the score but I'm still trying to figure out the MIDI part.

1) Export MusicXML from Dorico.
2) Import the xml file in Notion
3) Send the score (it shows up in S1 perfectly!
4) Export MIDI from Dorico

After I import the score, how do I apply the MIDI file I exported from Dorico without messing up the score? Everything I've tried ends up either opening up a completely new file or adding extra notes to the score (dragging individual MIDI file (e.g.: Violin), neither of which is acceptable.

If you can provide me with a way to accomplish applying the MIDI to my score (just the automation, with dynamics etc, not the actual notes), this will go a LONG way towards steering me away from considering Cubase, which Steinberg is currently working on integrating Dorico with Cubase, similar to how Notion is integrated with Studio One.

I really love the flow and ease of use of Studio One and I REALLY want to get something that works to transfer files from Dorico to Studio One.  This for me is the Holy Grail.
