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Please dont thread Macro control knobs&buttons as orphans anymore

+2 votes
asked Mar 30, 2023 in Editing by Michael1985 (13,040 points)

Now it feels like the macro control knobs&buttons were added as nice new well-liked features and threaded after that many years as orphans, but users are suggested so many nice and upvoted new feature ideas for them. They had great potential, but they are under the potential in their usability for your track.

Here are some useful possibilities for the macro control knobs with features which are not available right now:

1.As example controlling the intensities of different insert effects and send faders with one or more macro knobs, which are visible on the channel strip and in the inspector for direct access. Not just turn your whole global effects off, just turn specific effects of a channel (with a macro button) off and on, which is visible on the channel strip and inspector for fast access.

2.Automating with ONE automation lane different parameters with one macro for overal control for mixing and for creative usage without having every single parameter to change, because now you need to record the macro or you need to edit every single parameter which is linked with the macro....

3.Global modulators which can modulate macro controls like LFOs, sample&hold and random in different intensities and rates(synced&free). The intensity and speed of modulators can be automated.

(More "special" function, which are just in my mind and here for brainstorming:

4.A stepped macro function, to generate different step sizes of the knob turning, could make an ocatve pitch knob for different VSTis in instrument multis as example.)

There are many users who suggested since years really good features for the macro control knobs like one automation for one macro knob, global modulators for macro knobs and the visibility of the macro knobs on the channel strip and the inspector if wanted to have control over them right on the fly. There are so many nice possibilities to make the macro knobs really strong and useful for so many different music genres.

