Questions & Answers

Feature request: Macro Organiser - add ability to Duplicate a macro or create multiple copies

+17 votes
asked Aug 5, 2021 in Editing by nonchai (1,410 points)
Often one needs to create a collection of macros which share a lot of common internals but vary by - for example a single criterion.

An example of this might be visibility filter macros for daw in. big S1 template: One might want a collection of macros - one that shows only the string section in a template, another only the brass section, another only percussion etc or one's synth collection.

To be able to create the first macro as desired - say for showing just string tracks - and then duplicate this macro several times, then modifying each copy to reflect different filter strings and then renaming all the duplicates appropriately - all this would save time.

3 Answers

+1 vote
answered Jan 18, 2022 by studioj (2,080 points)
Voted. This feels like a functionality oversight, vs a feature request to me... also should note that if you duplicate the macro in the macro tool bar (which IS possible there), it does not update the name once you edit this new duplicated macro! It holds the name as "[duplicate](2)"... and the only way to update the name is to remove the button, and then re - add it again to the tool bar. I hope they are able to address this low hanging fruit functionality hole in coming updates. FIX the naming update in the tool bar duplicate, and ADD duplicate macro to the organizer. FWIW, I ran into this when creating macros for loading specific instruments, they all use the exact same sequence, only the name, and plugin chosen change, so duplicating the macro would be a huge time saver.
0 votes
answered Apr 23, 2022 by davidgraham23 (190 points)

- Filter entries
- Button to duplicate a selected macro (ask to rename then up to you to edit those commands from S1 UI)

0 votes
answered May 1, 2022 by davidgraham23 (190 points)

If you right click on buttons or menu items when in edit mode then you will get a "duplicate macro" option.

- Access the Edit menu item / button in macro toolbar
- Right click macro you want to duplicate
- Right click and edit the new macro and change the title and any options inside the macro
- Rename the menu item
