Questions & Answers

Fader controllers doesn’t auto follow the selected track

+1 vote
asked Jun 1, 2023 in Hardware Integration / Remote Control by caramiafrederick (3,530 points)
Hello, please, it’s very important!

There is a real lack on the fader controllers with studio one. The fader controller doesn’t automatically follow the selected track in the daw. We have to bank, bank, bank and it’s very long for the workflow.

UAD LUNA has this feature and the controllers follow and bank automatically. Protools does it with his avid S1. Logic does it.

please presonus, it’s an important feature.

thanks a lot

we are waiting for you.

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Dec 3, 2023 by caramiafrederick (3,530 points)
Hello! Why nobody can see this problem.

It's an important thing for the Workflow.

We need to have my faders auto bank to the selected channel in the daw.

If I have 200 tracks and go to the 123th track, I have to search it while 30 secondes....
0 votes
answered Dec 8, 2023 by jacquesmk2 (1,100 points)
Luna, Reaper, ProTools, and so on...but not Studio One.