Questions & Answers

Using Scenes (funky)

0 votes
asked Jun 8, 2023 in Studio One 6 by mikemcgraw1 (980 points)
Hello all,

So I've been trying to finagle S16 & my Faderport16 to do thing I don't they want me to do.  Not so much my Faderport (gave up on that), but rather S1....

I've looking for a way to isolate a Vocal (for example) with a macro so that during a mix (or tracking) I can quickly recall and tweak all parameters ie. Bus/Track/VCA.  I thought I was onto something when I built 10 scenes (VOCS, BASS, GUITS, SYNTHS, DRUMS, KEYS).  I keymapped my pgup/pgdn to allow me to scroll thru them all with great ease.  BUT...  it seems that got this ALL wrong... Or did I?

I was hoping this would work in such a way where if i changed the input or bus level on my vocal track (for example) that all the other scenes would respond accordingly and match the changes I just made.

Am I explaining myself properly here?  Does anyone know if there's a work around while working with scenes, OR if anyone knows of a workaround?

Why do want this functionality?

Because I've grown quite tired of wresting with the Channel List views between arranger and console.  All sorts of strangeness (long story) and it's all driving me completely insane.

I need a hug.


2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jun 8, 2023 by mikemcgraw1 (980 points)
edited Jun 8, 2023 by mikemcgraw1

What a dreamy way to flow.

I'm still working out the kinks but I will update this thread once I havent cured for about 10 minutes.
0 votes
answered Jun 8, 2023 by mikemcgraw1 (980 points)
I've realized since posting this that what I was so frustrated with wasn't such dire ask.  That said...  here's what I learned...

1.  Uncheck everything except 'Visibility'

2.  Search scenes in your keyboard Shortcuts and KEY MAP pgUP/pgDN (or whatever suits you)

3.  TOGGLE SCENES WITH YOUR HOTKEYS: you'll see them highlight in blue as you scroll BUT... when you're updating a scene BE SURE to also mouse click it as well or bad things happen

4.   Be sure to constantly update your scenes and verify that youre not making maistakes

Suddenly I no longer feel like I have to rely on folders to organize my screens.

Also, it's becoming less and less that I need to have the Channel List open and taking up real estate on my screens

If it matters to you, here's how how I have my scenes set up for my current project:
AUX synths
VCAs (all)

I wouldn't mix this way (?)... but it's a cool addition to my Faderport workflow.

Ive been trying to break this set up but if you follow the above guidelines then you surely can go wrong.

A couple things that were giving me grief was how I had my busses and VCAs nested in folders.  Oddly, I didn't choose to nest them the way they were, that's just where S1 put them.

I haven't brother effing with any other check boxes yet - I haven't needed to... having fun for now.

I sure wish there was a way to rearrange the scenes list but not a problem (pgUP/DN works fine) + I plan on using a junk 25 key midi controller to select scenes on the fly.

Ok, I broke it.  No biggie.  You'll notice that many of your scenes will become mismatched.  There doesn't seem to be a way to globally reconcile this so you have to do each of them manually.  I got carried away with the cursor keys instead of the pg up/dn keys.  Easily fixed though.  Just take nuffin for granated til you've you sharpened your teeth.

Note:  S1 remote is not useful for viewing you scenes lists.  Good for toggling from item to item though.  I also have to wonder if it might be good practice to number your scenes instead of naming them as it might make it easier to set up macros.  I'll keep you posted on my findings (as I hope you will do the same).

I hope this helps someone.  Always happy to help if anyone has any Qs.

