Questions & Answers

1824C Missing from Studio One; choosing Studio USB crashes program

0 votes
asked Jun 24, 2023 in Studio One 6 by bassrocks (120 points)
I have had this working in the past. My Studio 1824C does not appear in the list of audio devices in S1. The program is up to date, as is the 1824C firmware and drivers. Device Manager shows it working correctly. My Win 11 PC is up to date with patches and firmware.

I have Realtek driver on my machine, but it's disabled in Device Manager. When Studio One starts, it switches to Realtek. Choosing Studio USB as Audio Device in settings crashes the program. Choosing anything else crashes it, too, for that matter.

Please help. I'm dead in the water here.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 2 by barrybeattie (190 points)
I have this also.

Everything was fine when I last used my laptop with S1 hooked up to my 1824.

Try to use it 3 months later ... and while Universal Controller can see my 1824C, S1 cannot: not listed in the audio device drop down

Also dead in the water.

What has happened? It was all working beautifully last year