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Speaker is making constant sound that sounds like a muted gun constantly being shot when i turn it on

+1 vote
asked Sep 25, 2023 in Sceptre, Eris, R-Series by brandonruncie (130 points)
edited Sep 26, 2023 by brandonruncie
(ERIS E3.5)

Had a power cut this morning and my speakers were own, power came back on and since then my speakers sounds like a gun being shot constantly for 2mins then it will die down to as constant buzz but its louder than any of the audio coming from my pc. Has something broke inside it and need repaired? Or could it be something that just needs tightened.

I also dont know if this connected to it but for 6months now and time i do turn off my monitors it makes a louding popping sound just once but since they issues im having happened its multiple loud pops.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated as customer support refuse to let me even know the general thing wrong so that i could fix it since they refuse to repair things unless they are still under warranty

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Nov 24, 2023 by wstockton (160 points)
I bought a used pair of ERIS 3.5 speakers that do the same thing. Nothing plugged in to them, volume all the way down. It must be something power related. Any help would be appreciated
0 votes
answered Dec 27, 2023 by TamásBorján (140 points)
I think I am getting the same as you guys. Nothing plugged in to my Eris 3.5, I am only plugging in the power and turning it on. Constant loud pumping from the speaker, no matter the volume or anything. Tried with different AC cable, also tried different power slot, but same. Did you find a solution?