Questions & Answers

PreSonus StudioLive Series III 32SC without analog inputs

+1 vote
asked Oct 11, 2023 in StudioLive Series Feature Requests by IgorFiolic (130 points)
I am searching for mid-size digital audio mixer (16+16) - like PreSonus
StudioLive Series III 32SC.
I plan to use Networked Stage Box (like NSB 16.8 ) so I do not need local
inputs on the mixer.
Do you plan to introduce StudioLive Series III 32SC model without local
inputs so it will be lighter, thinner and cheaper as it will not have input
DAs and connectors?
Such a mixer does not exists on the market at the moment.

I think it make sense to have it. Even if the mixer will be close to the
stage still I can use Networked Stage Box close to the mixer.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Feb 8, 2024 by ClaytonW8332 (650 points)
edited Feb 8, 2024 by ClaytonW8332
+100! I need something portable that only has to handle 4-8 choir/solo mics, and if that existed in the form factor of e.g. the Yamaha DM3, but with the Series iii's multitrack SD card recording, I'd definitely get that! And as you mentioned, in the era of digital stage boxes, there's no need for the console to be larger simply to accommodate more analog inputs. Even more so given the Series iii's User page which means you can have exactly the faders you need and no more all on the same page, even if there were only, say, 9 physical faders. Add a large touch screen with a few contextual knobs & buttons, and you really don't need a large control surface to get a lot done quickly.

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