Questions & Answers

Link Glissandos to Grace/Cue Notes

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asked Dec 5, 2023 in Notion Feature Requests by AlexanderMueller1 (260 points)
Dear Notion (Mobile) Developers,

as I often use glissandos in my pieces, they should have a clear notation.

So f.i. a glissando over the duration of a half note with a following pause should be notated as a half note with the gliss.-line towards a stemless grace or cue note. So far any gliss. in Notion Mobile ignores an upfollowing grace note and stays horizontal...

Right now the only option would be something like a dotted quarter note with the gliss to an eight note. But that's simply not the same thing...

AND: it is an old myth that a glissando needs the tag "gliss." but actually it's useless and would look much nicer in the score just seeing the lines connecting to pitches. So please provide at least one option without the port. or gliss. tag.

Fixing that would allow many composers a clearer notation of their glissandos!

Thank you!

