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I want to put fingering on grace notes.

+6 votes
asked Mar 15, 2021 in Notion Feature Requests by elizabethalsop (3,050 points)
I would like to be able to put left hand finger numbers on grace notes as I can on regular notes using y + the finger number. When I try to do it the numbers go to the note that is being ornamented and not the grace notes.  I cannot do it with text either, I click to write a number above the grace note and it moves to align with the note the grace note is going to. Using right and left arrows won't put it over a grace note either. My work around is to write text somewhere else and cut and paste it and then use arrows to move it where I want.  That works but it's annoying to have to do that and it took me a long time to figure that out. If the software won't let me put finger numbers on grace notes it should at least let me put text where I want it.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 9, 2021 by stephenfarmer2 (390 points)
I don‘t think you can put fingering on a grace note. What works for me is to add both finger numbers, respectively, for the grace note and full note in the text box for the latter.. Separate the two numbers with a comma. You can even drag the text box to the left if it isn't obvious which finger applies to which note.