Questions & Answers

Revelator io24 power off feature

+2 votes
asked Dec 7, 2023 in Revelator Series by tommasoscalici (1,790 points)
The Revelator io24 should have an option (maybe in Universal Control) to be powered off.
My PC has powered USB so the interface is always on even when I turn off the PC. The only way to power it off is to remove the usb cable or entirely shut down the power supply of the computer. Both unpractical options.
I don't know if this can be done via firmware update, but an option to manage the power state of the interface would be really great.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Dec 15, 2023 by GavrilaFlorentin (230 points)
I have the same problem Mine is powered by a powered hub and it's always on It's not ok, it really can't turn off?