Questions & Answers

Revelator io24 crashing instantly in 96kHz if Slap Back Voice effect is enabled in Universal Control

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asked Nov 22, 2022 in Revelator Series by axelleflon (130 points)
Hey, I set my Revelator io24 in 96kHz because it's working better with my voice, the EQ and any other VST I could use like Nvidia Broadcast, but when I enable the Slap Back Voice effect in Universal Control the interface crash instantly, reboot and the software tell me to update my firmware (1.21), but even doing that do nothing.

The only way I managed to fix the issue is to uninstall completely Universal Control and the driver in the Device Manager to reset everything properly, reinstall it, reboot, keep the default 48kHz and disable the Voice effect. Then I can switch it back to 96kHz.

I know where my profiles are but the Sample Rate isn't stored in it, I wouldn't give too much importance since the preset are a bit meh anyway, but it's mapped in a preset by default, if I switch it the wrong way to fast I can select it and crash right away.

Is it something you can reproduce or my interface is not working properly?

