Questions & Answers

I can not regist my product. 製品登録ができなくなりました。

+1 vote
asked Dec 9, 2023 in MyPreSonus Questions by WONMOKWEON (130 points)
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I received my io24 today, created an account on mypresonus, and registered the product.
However, since studio one artist was not available, when I canceled the product registration and tried to register the product again, I was unable to register it.
Could you please change the status so that I can register?
Also, is it possible to get studio one artist?

しかし、studio oneアーティストが存在しないため、製品登録をキャンセルして再度製品登録しようとしたところ、登録できませんでした。

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Aug 4 by Donn JoshuaAlferos (140 points)
Same as mine. Please, someone give us a solution to this problem.