Questions & Answers

Can we master atmos mixes in the project page?

+1 vote
asked Dec 13, 2023 in Studio One+ by adlaca (130 points)
Not asking a lot here, I made a bunch of atmos mixes using studio one 6.5 and now I can't assemble them for eq/ volume balancing and sequencing. The dolby album assembler doesn't work with windows apparantly, and I'm left having done a project that now I can't finish. I've even tried importing the songs into the project page- there is no spatial audio speaker routing. I tried importing the mixes back into the song page, and the objects don't get routed or recognised by the dolby renderer. Just bed tracks work, and my song is panned forward by default in the spatial audio panner. Can we have a solution to this? I was so excited with this new step forward for presonus users, and now I'm left frustrated and speechless. Help please.