Questions & Answers

Jazz bundle sound the same as original?

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asked Jan 17, 2024 in Notion by carlfredriklilliedahljenzerblsrd (120 points)
I just got the subscription for Studio One+, and downloaded and installed the jazz bundles to my Notion 6 software. In playback, there is some difference, but it sounds very much alike the original sounds (orchestra), just a little bit sharper sound. But when I add the jazz glissando on the jazz alto, those two sound extremely different, very squeaky.

Is there something I have installed wrong or something? Some sound effects I have missed? Also, how can I connect the glissando from one note to the next? Now it just goes from somewhere and ends at the right note.

When I try the normal glissando it plays correctly from one note to the next, but way too slow. Can I change the speed of the glissando? I would also like it to have the wavy line and not the straight line.

Many questions in a bunch here, I know, but I hope someone can help.

I feel it doesn't sound like the jazz bundle samples on the website at all, so at this point I'm kind of disappointed really... Do I need to tweak the sounds in Studio One?