Questions & Answers

How can i fix bad latency in my daw? revelator io 24

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asked Feb 4, 2024 in Computer Based Recording & Production by CarolPhillips9840 (120 points)
I am using cakewalk,  and trying to use asio.  Revelator asio is unavailable as an option for me.  How can i by pass the universal control an  use interface directly because i feel like it is introducing latency.   even so i tried revelator IO ASIO in ableton and i could only get it down to 10 miliseconds which sucks.

I cannot get below 12 miliseconds of effective  latency 25 sec or so round trip.   

I was previously using  motu M2 with around 5 sec latency in same daw.  

I can switch to wdm/km but then my audio of my  pre recorded tracks gets all stretched out ( slowed down) and weird because i guess cake walk doesn't like it or something?  But if i switch to that  it takes my latency down to around 5 milliseconds in the daw.

 Currently i am having  to use both my motu and my presonus  which kind of sucks as i hate to have to switch between 1 interface or another for recording.  I Just want to use 1 interface tbh  i stream and stuff so i was really hoping the presonus would solve my issues not add to them.

 please let me know any suggestions. thanks.